Monday, March 15, 2010

Just One Minute!

On Sunday, I'll be helping a member of my writing group with the production of a very intriguing project.  He's producing a one-minute film.  A what?  Yes, a one-minute film.  There's actually a film festival here in  New Jersey that presents them.  You'll find a few of them here and there.  Check out the one we have here in NJ at

I think this is an excellent writing format.  Write a one-minute screenplay!  Keep in mind all the constraints of the form.  Establishing shot, pans, cuts.  Heck, if you have someone pour a cup of tea, it could take 10-20% of your entire screen time to accomplish!  So what CAN you tell in one minute?  What could possibly happen in one minute that entertains or informs?

If you try and don't like it, try again.  And again.  The best problem you could possibly face would be having too much to tell.  Don't you think?

And of course, if you like what you've done, grab a video camera and a few friends and shoot it!

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