Saturday, September 24, 2011

Write a crazy story

OK, ready for your prompt?

A family of four (mother, father, son, daughter).  Living room.  And one of them comes into the house with the new puppy.  And something crazy happens.  Write the scene.  Don't lose any of the five characters (you didn't forget the puppy, did you!).  All of them have a part.  They all have something to say, something to do, they're all a part of whatever it is that happens.  Pay special attention to your writing of dialogue and actions.

Plan out your story first, doesn't have to be long, but think about a lot of questions first.  Or I don't care, dive right in.

Did everyone know it was new puppy day?  Who brings it home?  How do each of the family members feel about new puppy day?  Are they all excited about this?  What's the puppy like?  What does it do?  Feel free to improvise the story.  Maybe there are other pets in the house already.  Do whatever you like with the prompt.  Just ... go ... WRITE!

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