Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prompting through Little Suggestions

I'm working on a story that's growing every week to more than a story.  Suddenly I thought it was possibly a novel.  I've continued to work on it, and it just might end up there.  But now in my head, I realize it would be even better as a screenplay.  I am not stopping.  I'm going to continue to work on it in its current form, because I started it, and I have to finish it before flopping around on the idea here and there, then never finishing it.

But what I wanted to mention is, how it started.  I was sitting on my patio with the laptop, wanting to spend some time writing.  I had no idea in my head at all.  I just started writing from snippets of ideas.  Guy's late for work.  But it doesn't matter, because he's the owner of the business.  But it does matter to his employee who worked the morning shift.  Why is he late?  Did he have a hot date?  No... he stayed up late watching an old movie.  She gives him shit, tells him he needs to get out more.  And the conversation started.  It led to this and that, and I'm on my way.  It's almost equivalent to starting a novel with 'A guy walks into a bar....'

All right, what am I saying? I'm saying that the simplest writing exercise can spark you into something more specific.  That's why I will constantly say, don't use my little ideas and exercises and prompts just for what they are.  Once you complete one, take what you wrote and keep thinking about it.  Break the original exercise's rules or expand it into something else.  Take one of the secondary characters or the scene or anything you can out of what you've written and keep going.  And going.  Write, write, write..

That's why I call this site INSPIRE CREATE WRITE.

Two friends sitting on the porch.  They start talking about a favorite movie.  What movie is it?  Why do they both love it, for the same reasons or different?  How old are they?  How old is the movie?  So how old were they when they first saw it?  Did each of them see it in the movie theater or rented at home after the fact?  A third person joins them.  This third person has never seen the movie and has no knowledge of it whatsoever.

The conversation continues... psst... that's where you come in...

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic post. I always try that no idea at all thing. I am never happy with the results... I will just have to keep at it. I have a..novella? I guess it could be called that. It's 44 pages that I needs serious editing since the idea has changed drastically since I finished. And I thought of a prequel for it, so it might double in size...I will have to send it over when it's eventually done.

    Also have two more ideas for short is about a Halloween costume ball at Death's house in a catacomb, the other about a royal assassin in a fantasy land where magic is dying and industry is rising...that's all those stories are right now...I will have to try and just have a seat one day, empty my mind, and just blurt out the stories in whatever form possible and edit from there...
