OK, bad joke. Here's a writing prompt for you. Dialogue between two characters can be the perfect launching pad into a good piece of writing. So here's a scene for you...
Two women are in the group fitness room at their gym, laying out their mats and starting to stretch in preparation for a yoga class. They are the only ones there, and after a few minutes, they find that odd, because the class is usually packed. The instructor is no where to be found either. Turns out they're the only ones who don't know the class was canceled. Write the scene and their dialogue as they first wonder what's going on, are confused, then figure it out, and then does their conversation move on to something else? What are they each going to do instead of the class? Did they realize they know each other in some way? Do they become friends? Do they end up fighting? Do they share their thoughts about the instructor, other people in the class? Do something with the set-up. Anything you want.